

Find answers for the most commonly asked questions about the event. Don't see your question answered? Contact us!

What is Insight 2022?

Insight 2022 is where you will find conferences, webinars and workshops for Artficial Intelligence and Deep Learning.

Who is Insight 2022 for?

Events and resources at Insight 2022 are for people of all skill levels in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning.

Is the conference going to provide accessibility features?

Of course! At Insight, we love to include everyone in the discussion, so upon request, we'll provide captioning services, screen reading services and other features to make everyone's experience fun and accessible.

What are the COVID regulations for Insight 2022?

Insight 2022 is a virtual event this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, all events will be held online, and mask-wearing is not required for participants joining from home.

Who can attend Insight 2022?

Insight 2022 is open for registration to anyone.

What events will be taking place at Insight 2022?

The list of events and their timings and can be found on the calendar page.

Are there going to be any special guests in the conferences?

Yes! We are having two special speakers come in for interviews during Insight 2022: Data scientist Jay Adams from Microsoft© and Flora Summers from Amazon©

Is there a cost to attend the conference?

No. This year, Insight will be entirely free to attend as it's online. Once you submit your registration, you'll gain access to all events on the schedule.

How will I join the conference?

All of Insight 2022's conferences will be held on the Zoom© platform. Upon registration, you'll receive links to all the seminars, workshops and conferences.