
Our team

Adam Gomez


Adam studies for his PhD in Computer Science by day, but by night, he loves to paint and draw, and listen to music.

McKenna Hill

Vice President

McKenna is a data scientist at her job, but in her free time, she likes to read fiction novels, hang out with her dog, and watch reality TV shows.

Mark Cho

Public Relations

Mark is an accountant, who likes to go to the gym, play sports and sing at his local music festival every year. He also loves to go down to the beach and play volleyball if it's nice out.

Amanda Jones

Event Coordinator

Amanda is a project manager at a tech company. In her free time, she is a camp counselor in the summer, and loves to catch up on the latest true crime shows.

Contact Us!

If you have any additional questions about the event, or would like to make a suggestion, you can contact our team using the form below.